martes, 5 de abril de 2016

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2016

hi everyone!
this is the song we worked in class

1. What does the name of the song mean, according to the story?

2. How did you like the song?

3. How do you think they met (Tommy and Gina)?

4. What would you have done, if you were Tommy?

5. What, if you were Gina?

6. Make up a beginning, for the story, and an ending.

7. Imagine that things got so wrong between them
that they decided to take a distance for a while,
but it was one of them who left the other
but, without saying goodbye, face to face.  
So (impersonate any of them=take a role) write a short letter from Gina to Tommy, or Tommy to Gina.

OPTIONAL! (extra points)

Check the followig song, where any of them
showing his/her repentance decided to dedicate to the other.

a. What do you think it happened?
b. What would you have done in his/her role?

lunes, 7 de marzo de 2016

sábado, 27 de febrero de 2016


Surfing is one of the oldest practiced sport son the planet, is also one the few sports that creates its own culture and lifestyle.

The surf passed from generation to generation. It’s a love for the sea and the land. The spiritual conection with nature and the love for their family, Ohana. That existed thousands years ago!

The first surfers were fishermen who discovered riding as an efficient method of getting to shore with their catch.

The fact is that the original surfing, the big waves surfing started there. This sport consist to riding waves with a wooden board but that isn’t all; this sport means more tan that, is a lifestyle, a culture and that’s what makes it interesting!